The easiest way to allow people to join:
1. Open your Site manager and click on the "Access policy" tab
2. Make sure that you select the 'open' access policy, and click Save
3. On your system:join page, add this code: [[module Join button="Join this site!"]]
4. Instruct people to visit that page and to click on the button, and they will immediately become a member. It will even go through the steps of creating a Wikidot account for them if they don't have one yet!
Other alternatives:
- Membership by password
- Membership by application
- Administrator sends an invitation
Membership by password:
1. Set up the Join module as instructed above
2. On your "Access policy" tab, you should select either the 'closed' or 'private' option instead
3. Tick the box that says "Enable membership by password" and type in the password you want to use
4. Click on the Save button
Membership by application:
1. Set up the Join module as instructed above
2. On your "Access policy" tab, you should select either the 'closed' or 'private' option instead
3. Tick the box that says "Enable membership by applying"
4. Click on the Save button
Note that you are allowed to have both the password and application methods selected at the same time. This would mean that anyone with the password can join instantly, while everyone else needs to ask you first.
Administrator sends an invitation:
1. Go to your Site manager, and select the "Members" tab
2. Select "Invite Members" to invite an existing Wikidot user
3. Select "Send Email Invitiations" to invite someone that has never used Wikidot before
The Wikidot Handbook also has a very useful page on how to join a wiki, which you might want to show to your users.